Body Soul

Yoga Flow

Anna Ingvald guides us through Yoga Flow – A Journey to Presence and Acceptance

Welcome to Yoga Flow — a space where movement meets stillness, and breath becomes your guide. In this class, Anna invites you to explore the connection between body and mind. Through flowing sequences and mindful breathwork, you’ll create space within yourself — space to just be.

The journey begins by grounding through breath, gently releasing the outside world. As the breath deepens, the body softens, preparing for the movements to come. The flow builds gradually, awakening strength, balance, and flexibility. Every posture is an opportunity to listen inward — to meet yourself exactly where you are, without judgment.

The rhythm of the music carries us, creating a meditative journey where each movement follows the breath. Some moments challenge, others soothe — but always with the invitation to move in harmony with what feels right for you.

Welcome to your journey — exactly as you are.

Body Mind

Dela med dig

Monica Fallesen och Niklas Mandin har lång och gedigen erfarenhet inom social omsorg. Med mer än 30 år var i företag och organisationer inom vård och hälsa både som ledare, ledarstöd och utbildare har de byggt både kunskap och kontaktnät samt sett saker som funkar och det som inte funkat.

Nu vill de dels dela med sig av sin kompetens och dels lära nytt tillsammans med andra och inte minst påverka begreppen och systemen i en fördelaktig riktning. Därför hälsar de dig välkommen till starten av en ny podd!

Vilka frågor brinner du för? Vilka ämnen skulle du vilja lära dig mer om? Hur vill du bidra? 

Nu startar vi podden “Dela med dig”
Body Mind

A Better World

Personal reflections on how to work for a better world and how different stakeholders as a village, a river etc can be represented in societal development.

With Christiana Gardikioti & Michael Sillion & Bert-Ola Bergstrand

Body Soul

Soil for Life

A dialogue about soil and the importance of it for life on earth. Also a Chest nut tree is planted in the garden outside of the studio.

Featuring Jonas Nilssson as the Soil Doctor and Mette Korsmoe Koverberg and Roland Gudinge as Co-creators.

Body Mind Soul

Identities and Roles

What are the roles we play and the identities we embody in today’s society? Michael Sillion aka Captain Future – and Sten Lindquist, do a deep dive into on what level we live our different behavioral patterns as roles, identities and archetypes. We also talk about Michael’s journey of becoming both Captain Future and playing the roles of Navigator and Weaver.

Body Mind

Sweden Help

With a great willingness to help, the non-profit association Sweden Help provides as much support as it can to people from Ukraine, in Sweden and Ukraine.

Sweden Help has a store in Malmö and one in Skurup. All of the products come from donations and all of the people who work there are volunteers. Everything is for free.

More info on

In this conversation Srten Lindquist interviews the founder Madeleine Laurin – Support to Ukrainian refugees | Sweden Help. It’s all in the name.

Body Soul

Heart & Art

A guided meditation on the ‘Best for the World’ topic, while online participants paint (or create other forms of art). The Heart & Art is wrapped up with a “show and tell” session.

Hosts: Roland Gudinge and Karin Svensson

Body Soul

Soil and Food

Soil is a vital component in the production of food. It provides the necessary nutrients for plants to grow and thrive, which in turn provides the food we eat. However, the quality of soil is declining due to various factors such as pollution, erosion, and intensive farming practices. This can result in a decrease in crop yields and nutritional value, as well as negative impacts on the environment. It’s important to prioritize sustainable farming practices and soil conservation efforts to ensure that we continue to have access to healthy and nutritious food for generations to come.

Featuring Elina Lagesson and Jonas Nilsson, the Soil Doctor

Body Mind Soul

Work Engagement

We bring a systematic and holistic approach on health in the work environment.

In the dialog; Erik Nilsson, Roland Gudinge and Stellan Nordahl

Body Mind

Digilog Transformation

How to meet without borders combining the physical world and the digital world. How can we as humans engage in a global village and interact naturally? What possibilities are created when the digital platform meets the physical reality and transforms the meeting into an equal arena accessible to everyone?

Join the digilog conversation in the demo world in Roblox by verifying an account with ID and allow chat (this enables spatial sound) – We also stream the conversation directly from Roblox to Youtube as an alternative. Pls then engage in the comments.

Body Soul


Biodiversity or biological diversity is the variety and variability of life on Earth.

Hosts: Mette Korsmoe Koverberg and Roland Gudinge

Body Soul

Human Nature Experience

Body Mind Soul

The New Living and Learning Organizational Paradigm

WHY: We have identified the need to both create new forms of organizations and the need to develop leaders who can handle complexity and a rapidly changing world – dynamic living organizations and leaders with the ability to facilitate the transformation towards a paradigm shift. All life in our fantastic world is self-organizing and self-healing. So why shouldn’t life in an organization also be that?

HOW: An open co-created process with the purpose of creating new forms of organization and ways of working.

WHAT: Co-creation of workshop design for Society of Learning, SOL – Stockholm Learning Plaza, Sweden, May 31st. The topic of the co-creation is: ‘How to create a workshop embracing human flourishing and the eternal potential’ and the workshop in the SOL – Learning Plaza Stockholm, is in its turn focusing on ‘How can an organizational structure and culture be created where humans can thrive and prosper while honoring corporate values and higher purpose achieving desired outcome.’

The co-creation is sprouting out of the following guestions:

  • What does the desired outcome look like (and how does it relate to system thinking)?
  • What learning principles do we like to explore and why?
  • What design criterias is critical for impact on change?

Design group: Bo Rex, Martijn Meima, Patrick Bijman, Ella Hellgren, Sten Lindquist and Stellan Nordahl

In the video below, the designgroup gives descriptions of their individual worldview as well as framing the process.

The chosen process is inspired by the circel of creation (the five elements of eastern/chinese philosophy and their relation and forces)

Dialogue and formulation of design group, questions and background – an overview that connects-the-dots (recorded meetings and design document). Sharing of worldviews (recorded presentations). Formulation of way of working (innovation process/the circle of creation/this stepwise process)

Co-creation of workshop design (in a live streamed event during the Best for the World Broadcast March 26th 14:00-15:00 hrs). Public invitation to the stream.

Link to the workshop-format

Webinar/learning circle ‘Business as unusual – a new paradigm’ (SOL-event March 29th 14:00-15:30 ). Public invitation to Zoom-meeting.

Workshop design up-date – insights from webinar/learning circle, time schedule and roles/responsiblities (April 12th 9:00-10:00)

Facilitation of workshop(s) May 31st SOL – Stockholm Learning Plaza, Sweden. Documentation of results.

Storytelling and amplifying (in a live streamed event during Almedalsveckan in Visby, Sweden/Ship of a New Story). Publishing of result. Invitation to continuous learning (community).

“When we do change to people, they experience it as violence.
But when people do change for themselves, they experience it as liberation.”
Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Harvard Business School

SOL Sweden

A new way of thinking is taking shape; organizations and societies are seen as living organisms and the human being as a creative power in them. This changed way of approach opens the mind and gives possibilities to approach “old questions” in a new way. SoL Sweden provides possibilities to learn more about these new approaches and philosophies and to create dialogues and conversations around them, and consequently to bring more creativity and improved leadership into change management in companies and organizations. Home | SOL (

At the SoL Learning Plaza 2014, Arie de Gues formulated the following challenge:

“I think what is needed, what is waiting for you, the next generation, is to find ways to change the internal structures of business and governmental institutions to become much more in harmony with the value systems that have developed since the second world war. That’s your job. That’s waiting for you and that’s a very difficult problem. That’s really organizational learning by accommodation.”

Welcome to join us at The SoL Learning Plaza in Stockholm, Sweden May 31st-June 1st 2022!

Body Soul

House of Hope

Best for the world building – the House of Hope project

How one persons ideaa can create a new way for planning and building an innovative and sustainable house, by combining known solutions in to new systems and construction combinations.

The net work of this new innovative building talks about the process and how the total sum become greater then the single parts when the co-create. Inour dialoge we will also reflect on the resourse, climate and social scalable effects of the house that is now under construction in Saxtorp Sweden and are already inspireing new building projects and forms of innovative co-creation.

House of Hope – Best for the World Broadcast – YouTube

Body Mind

Tree House Talks

We explore the tree as a metaphore for life and organization. How can the tree help us to see what can´t be seen and live our life as persons, organisations and society. How can we as humans see ourselves as nature and create natural systems.

Format: Dialogue with guests Host: Stellan Nordahl

Tree House Talks with guest Roland Gudinge

Tree House Talks with guest My Södergren

Body Mind Soul

Reflection and carrying on the torch of Best for the World

Reflection and summary of the days of live broadcasting what is best for the world. Plus an invitation to carry on the torch of hope and belief in the present together.

#bestfortheworld #likestodo #reflection #intentionaldecisions

Hosts: Stellan Nordahl, Jens Rinnelt, Michael Sillion

Contact email:

Body Mind Soul

Ship of a New Story

A ship that sets sail for the unknown has always been driven by the belief that what one does succeed and a strong hope that new opportunities will be discovered during the voyage. Ship of a New Story is driven by faith and hope for a positive future with many opportunities where the inner and outer journey is equally important. The destinations we seek with the journey are best for the world – new islands and entire continents. To help us find what we are looking for, we use several sustainability lenses in our binoculars to get the best sharpness and focus so that we navigate correctly. On a ship, all the knowledge and skills must be in place for a trip to be successful. Everyone who designs on Ship of a New Story wants to explore the shift from striving to be the best in the world to be the best for the world. A new worldview is as challenging as moving from a flat earth belief to a circular earth perception.

Ship of a New Story is carried out during a three-year period on a ship during the Almedalen week in Visby and is based on three parts: Part 1 is about enabling the platform of Ship of a New Story for those who are not currently represented in Almedalen to participate – a representative average of Sweden’s population. Part 2 is up to five arenas highlighted on the platform with various programs, panel discussions, dialogues workshops, activities and exhibitors. Part 3 is the story itself, ie a New Story, which means that the ship is not only a metaphor for the shift from best-in-world to best-in-world, but it really is the shift itself.

#bestfortheworld #likestodo #democracy #cocreation #decisionmaking #relationshipweaving #learning

Host: Stellan Nordahl with Jens Rinnel and Richard Pålsson

Contact email:


Body Mind Soul

Welcome Home

Welcome Home to you <3. An exploring conversation about our inner and outer world and the challenges we might come across when staying true to our heart and who we are.

#bestfortheworld #likestodo #coaching #personaldevelopment

Format: Talk Show w guests

Host: Alexandra Skoglund

Contact email:


Facebook: @iamcoachingbyalexandraskoglund

Body Mind Soul is a Center for Acceleration of Change.

We are a non-profit knowledge platform, project and event space and a co-creative community for people who want to support the acceleration of change towards a sustainable way of living. By applying a holistic approach to sustainability and promoting alternative solutions, we spread awareness and promote human connection.

Our co-creative community is an intersection point for Changers of all kinds and empowers people to act, using our joint forces.

#bestfortheworld #likestodo #sustainability #accelerator #tranformation #relationships

Format: Interview

Host: Anja Müller

Contact email:


Facebook: @thinkcopenhagen

By the way, they published a Manifesto for how Corona can heal us all. Have you signed it, yet?

Body Mind Soul

Together Far Apart

Under mandatory restrictions and self-measured safety precautions and with the ever-present fear of contracting the virus, Czech companies struggle to establish themselves without having the opportunity to meet face to face. We gathered a colorful group combining different fields of expertise in enterprises large and small but sharing a mindset to discuss leadership, assessment, and engagement in these extraordinary times.

#bestfortheworld #likestodo #improv #appliedimprov #leadership #creativity #management #team

Time: Monday 30th, 7:45 – 9:00

Hosts: Lukáš Venclík (Škola improvizace)

Format: Dialogue

Contact email:


Facebook: @improvizuj

Body Mind Soul

Captain Future Show

Lord Sillion aka Captain Future talks to other Future Heroes about how we navigate and create the future together.

I call myself a Future Captain. It’s a person who connects and help other people take personal responsibility in creating a better future for themselves and for all of us. I call them Future Heroes and I make them think about, talk about and create the future we want.

A Future Hero is a person can use their future powers for real to create a better future. It can be anything large to small powers. Just like other skills you have to train and develop your powers every day to become better at them. When you do this together with other Future Heroes you will start to develop new skills as well.

#bestfortheworld #likestodo #DigitalTogether #FutureNavigators #LearningSociety

Format: Dialogues

Host: Michael Sillion


Facebook: @LordSillion


The seventh sense

The feeling for the interconnectedness of all things. Societies snap when bent through forces for which they are not prepared.


Books and Pods

Body Mind Soul

Earth Hour

Mother Earth is calling and inviting humanity to reflect on their life choices. This is the time for reflection. No broadcast during this time.

#bestfortheworld #likestodo #regenerate #reflect #bestill #magic

Format: No broadcast/preparation for Earth Hour


Host: Gaia

Contact: No technology needed – just join me and open your sense. Take a walk in the forest, at the beach, look into the sky. There you will find me.

Body Mind Soul

FiDe – Foundation for intentional Decisions

Fide means to trust in English. Trust is the foundation we need for intentionally co-creating the new paradigm. But what is the new paradigm actually? How can we talk about it? Where does it come from? Why is it needed in these times? How can I co-create it? These are the questions we are going to address in focused dialogues around the following topics:

  • The tree as a metaphor for life’s complexity
  • The Intentional Decision (ID) model as a tool for raising choices
  • The 4 loops that inform our consciousness to make ethical choices
  • The historic evolution of the mechanistic worldview
  • How to make the transition to the new paradigm Intentional Decisions for a Sustainable Future.

An Exploration Journey of the Intentional Decision Model and the shift from becoming best in the world to be best for the World.

#bestforthewold #likestodo #intentionaldecisions #choice #newparadigm #cocreation #trust #evolution #consciousness #nonduality

Format: Table dialogue

Time: Friday 27th, 21:30 – 23:00 / Saturday 28th, 21:30 – 23:00

Hosts: Stellan Nordahl and Jens Rinnelt with guests

Contact email:


Facebook: @ Emprogage / @ BestfortheworldBFW

History of Duality and a new way of classifying inner-outer perspective

The Tree Metaphor

The Intentional Decisions model

Body Mind Soul

Abintus – How sustainable change comes from within

Changes may be initiated by external impulses, but if they are to sustain, they need to come from, or be anchored, within, being it in the individual, organisation or society. Is “within” the same as intelectual understanding? Then why do we stick to habits that contradict the intellect? How do emotions drive motivation for change and how can we create the desired emotional state?

#bestfortheworld #likestodo #sustainablechange #Consciousness #awareness #Values #Beliefs #choice #selfgrowth #personal development #Abintus #fromwithin #leadership #sustainableleadership

Time: Friday, 27th, 20:30 – 21:30

Format: Dialogue

Host: Tomas Holasek and Mårten Hedin

Contact email:

Body Mind Soul

Body Expansion

A movement practice using free dance that brings you new energy, presence, and contact with joy, through inner transformation.

#bestfortheworld #likestodo #transformation #dance #joy #presence

Format: Interactive dance

Time: Sunday 29th, 18:00 – 19:00

Host: Carin Dackman

Contact email:


Facebook: @InmovementCarinDackman

Body Mind Soul

Local Food Nodes

Local Food Nodes is an open-source platform for self-organizing sales and distribution of local food in local communities, first hand, straight from local producers to end-consumers, without a middleman. Right now spreading through the world as a free, donation-based grassroots tool for local selforganizing around our food.

Support Local Food Nodes Kickstarter campaign.

#bestfortheworld #likestodo #food #letsgolocal

Format: Interactive presentation (engage at

Time: Friday 27th, 16.30 -17.30

Host: Albin Ponnert

Contact email:


Facebook: @localfoodnodes

Body Mind Soul

Mood Frames – visual nature meditation

Picture poetry that invites you to a visual nature meditation.

#bestfortheworld #moodframes #picturepoetry #nature

Format: Visual nature meditation

Time: Friday 28th, 12:30 – 13:00

Host: Roland Gudinge

Contact email:


Facebook: @moodframes

Body Mind Soul

Meeting the emerging future with emotions

This talk will give you a deeper look into how to meet an emerging future and self-development from an emotional perspective. Jonas Petter Bravè will describe the Story Deconstruction Method, and together we will explore its application and relevance for people and organizations.

Story Deconstruction Method

#bestfortheworld #likestodo #personaldevelopment #organizationaldevelopment #emotions #emotionalintelligence #uncertainty #complexity #emergence #evolutionofwork

Format: Explorative Dialogue

Time: Saturday, 28th, 15:00 – 16:30

Hosts: Jonas Petter Bravé, in dialogue with Jens Rinnelt

Contact email:


Facebook: Story Deconstruction Method Practitioners / Sustainable Buddy Initiative

Body Mind Soul

Dissolve your fear, a guided healing meditation

Guided healing meditation into Mother Earth to dissolve your fears.

#bestfortheworld #likestodo #healing #meditation #transformation #energymedicine #spiritual #session #integratedhealing

Format: Livestreamed guided Meditation

Time: Friday, 27th, 13:45

Host: Maria Collinder

Contact email:


Facebook: Maria Collinder – Art & Spirituality

Body Mind Soul

Upgrade yourself – Spiritual Downloads of Love, Trust & Safety in Times of Upheaval

#bestfortheworld #likestodo #healing #meditation #spirituality #downloads #Integratedhealing #transformation #love #trust #comfort

Format: Livestreamed healing meditation

Time: Sunday, 29th, 10:30 – 11:00

Host: Maria Collinder

Contact email:


Facebook: Maria Collinder – Art & Spirituality

Body Mind Soul

A taste of Energy Medicine: The healing garden, a guided healing meditation

A guided healing meditation to detect your dis-ease. Lets you see both physical and mental blockages and start healing them. A transformative session in Energy Medicine.

#bestfortheworld #likestodo #healing #meditation #transformation #energymedicine #spiritual #session #integratedhealing

Format: Livestreamed guided Meditation

Time: Saturday, 28th, 13:45

Host: Maria Collinder

Contact email:


Facebook: Maria Collinder – Art & Spirituality

Body Mind Soul

Mood Frames – picture poetry

Experience and reflect upon the magic of Mother Nature in Mood Frames’ pictures.

#bestfortheworld #moodframes #picturepoetry

Format: Dialogue with guest(s)

Host: Roland Gudinge

Contact email:


Facebook: @moodframes


Raw Yoga

Fabulous energy-giving yoga class. With a lot of nice flows to make your body, and mind strong and in touch with your feelings.

#bestfortheworld #rawyogasweden #rawyoga #sharingiscaring #yogaflow #yogaihelsingborg

Format: Live Outdoor Yoga class

Time: Saturday, 28th, 9.30 – 10.30

Host: Cecilia Alm

Contact email:


Facebook: @rawyogasweden

Body Mind Soul

Power of connection

The Power of Connection – A structure for enhancing the quality of life and work
The Power of Connection methodology provides a clear and integrated model to research and enhance the quality of life and work. The basic assumption of PoC is that every outcome is determined by the quality of connection, with ourselves and with others.

Whether it’s health, joy, a meaningful life or sustainable relationships on a personal level, or result, collaboration, leadership, and sustainability in organizations, The Power of Connection helps to determine which connections are strong, hence, they don’t need to be worked on, and which connections are weak and cause friction or problems.

#bestfortheworld #Trust #Collaboration #Relationship #Health #Personal development #Personal growth #Connection #Confidence #Teamwork #Selfmanagement #Selforganizing #Love #Choice #Socialization #WhoamI #Peace

Time: Friday, 27th, 15:00 – 16.30

Host: Norbert Netten, interviewed by Jens Rinnelt

Contact email:


Body Mind Soul

The Yellow Chairs of Thinge

Yellow Chairs of THiNGE invite you to sit down and make reflections in a grounded way of being. Close to earth.

#bestfortheworld #theyellowchairsofthinge #thingerustica #thingestratega

Format: Conversation w guest

Times: Friday, 27th, 13:45 – 14:15 / Sunday, 29th, 11:00 – 11.30 / Monday, 30th, 11:00 – 11:30

Host: Janeth Andersson

Contact email:


Facebook: @ThingeAB

Instagram: The Yellow Chairs of THiNGE

The Yellow Chairs of THiNGE with Janeth Andersson and Emma Ölander

The Yellow Chairs of THiNGE with Roland Gudinge and Tomas Holasek

The Yellow Chairs of THiNGE with Janeth Andersson and Alexandra Skoglund