
Below presentations and links to the various concepts/programs can be found that are part of the Broadcasting.

  • A Better World
    Personal reflections on how to work for a better world and how different stakeholders as a village, a river etc can be represented in societal […]
  • A riff on
    A podcast in which I, Caspian Almerud, riff on something that’s been on my mind lately. #bestfortheworld #likestodo #reflection #broadcast Format: Monolog Time: Saturday 28th, […]
  • A taste of Energy Medicine: The healing garden, a guided healing meditation
    A guided healing meditation to detect your dis-ease. Lets you see both physical and mental blockages and start healing them. A transformative session in Energy […]
  • Abintus – How sustainable change comes from within
    Changes may be initiated by external impulses, but if they are to sustain, they need to come from, or be anchored, within, being it in […]
  • An Equal Society?!
    Format: Dialogue w guests Host: Adam Taki Guests: Hassan Al-Mashat, Abdulla Taha
  • Biodiversity
    Biodiversity or biological diversity is the variety and variability of life on Earth. Hosts: Mette Korsmoe Koverberg and Roland Gudinge
  • Body Expansion
    A movement practice using free dance that brings you new energy, presence, and contact with joy, through inner transformation. #bestfortheworld #likestodo #transformation #dance #joy #presence […]
  • Captain Future Show
    Lord Sillion aka Captain Future talks to other Future Heroes about how we navigate and create the future together. I call myself a Future Captain. […]
  • Coffee Table Talk – is givers gain a way forward?
    Share your best tips on doing business in the new paradigm. #bestfortheworld #likestodo #businessinthenewparadigm #giversgain #businesstips Format: Coffee Table Talk (join the discussion: Time: […]
  • Consultant in the new paradigm
    Interviews, conversations and stories with Emprogage consultants about the consultancy business.
  • Conversations that matters
    – a dialogue on humanity and impact How do we create our reality by perception, assumptions, thoughts and actions. How do we move our thoughts […]
  • Creating Business in the New Paradigm
    After holding multiple transformative workshops in the last one and a half years were some of the most used tools for business development were transformed […]
  • Crisis “From perception to action”
    In any crisis, there is a certain outcome that is manifested on the level of the society and the level of the individual where thoughts […]
  • Där Rapsen Blommar
    Författarna och syskonen Inger Offesson Persson, Gun-Marie Offesson och Marianne Ekberg Offesson berättar om sin bok Där rapsen blommar.
  • Dela med dig
    Monica Fallesen och Niklas Mandin har lång och gedigen erfarenhet inom social omsorg. Med mer än 30 år var i företag och organisationer inom vård […]
  • Det Dolda Uppenbara
    Elenor Thelander diskuterar sin bok Det dolda uppenbara med Monica Fallesen.
  • Digilog Transformation
    How to meet without borders combining the physical world and the digital world. How can we as humans engage in a global village and interact […]
  • Dissolve your fear, a guided healing meditation
    Guided healing meditation into Mother Earth to dissolve your fears. #bestfortheworld #likestodo #healing #meditation #transformation #energymedicine #spiritual #session #integratedhealing Format: Livestreamed guided Meditation Time: Friday, […]
  • Earth Hour
    Mother Earth is calling and inviting humanity to reflect on their life choices. This is the time for reflection. No broadcast during this time. #bestfortheworld […]
  • Emprogage’s way of working
    Part of the Concepts for Change – How and What series, we will explore Emprogage’s self-organizing way of working based on a living organism metaphor […]
  • En stad att trivas I (A social innovation lab for a thriving Malmö)
    Malmö receives the Noble Peace Prize for being a creative, socially sustainable, and inclusive city. How can this wild dream be realized? Get introduced to […]
  • Every Day Is Your Chance To Make The City A Little Better
  • Evolution of work
    The evolution of work – How the organization of work changed and the management thinking that shaped it The organization of work is a major […]
  • FiDe – Foundation for intentional Decisions
    Fide means to trust in English. Trust is the foundation we need for intentionally co-creating the new paradigm. But what is the new paradigm actually? […]
  • Forthisworld – Unite in Purpose
    The world is full of people who want to create a brighter future and have brilliant ideas on how to achieve that. What if we […]
  • From insights to action
    Dawna Jones works with decision-makers to reach beyond learned limits and use complexity to grow. She shifts perspective to reveal the blind spots blocking forward […]
  • Fundamental Assumptions
    In a dialog, we pick some fundamental assumptions of the old paradigm (formerly known as the existing paradigm) and suggest new assumptions. #bestfortheworld #likestodo #assumptions […]
  • Future of Leadership
  • Future Village
    If we combine the traditional village and the modern village with a hybrid digital village we have the seeds for what we can call our […]
  • Glass Bead Games
    Glass Bead Games is an exercise in active listening and generative dialogue that is a form of wisdom gym. Glass Bead Games is a simple […]
  • Growth through Stärk
    Stärk AB is founded by two persons who want to start a revolution. STÄRK implements health in other companies. With the STÄRK concept a company […]
  • Happily Remote working – how to create balance
    In this interview from the Happiness at Work Summit (Sep 2019) facilitator of global collaboration and remote work expert Line Mørkbak shares her views on […]
  • Health = Wealth
    Format: lecture Host: Erman Yeniler
  • Heart & Art
    A guided meditation on the ‘Best for the World’ topic, while online participants paint (or create other forms of art). The Heart & Art is […]
  • House of Hope
    Best for the world building – the House of Hope project How one persons ideaa can create a new way for planning and building an […]
  • House of Stories
  • Human Nature Experience
  • Ideas for change
    We talk about great ideas that can have an impact for change. How to plan for arranging the world’s biggest TEDx during the Covid-19 conditions. […]
  • Identities and Roles
    What are the roles we play and the identities we embody in today’s society? Michael Sillion aka Captain Future – and Sten Lindquist, do a […]
  • Kickstarting Best for the World Broadcast
    Be inspired by the team from Best for the World Broadcast featuring Sten Lindquist, Zana Belkheir, Stellan Nordahl, Michael Sillion and Moltas Trobäck
  • Leadermorphosis
    Leadermorphosis is a podcast exploring the emerging world of self-management and progressive organisations. Hosted by Lisa Gill, each episode features a guest thought leader or […]
  • Listen to web radio
  • Listening to the pulse of an organization
    Part of the Concepts for Change – How and What series, we will explore the listening to the pulse of an organization service. This participatory […]
  • Local Food Nodes
    Local Food Nodes is an open-source platform for self-organizing sales and distribution of local food in local communities, first hand, straight from local producers to […]
  • Lyckligt Lottad
  • Meeting the emerging future with emotions
    This talk will give you a deeper look into how to meet an emerging future and self-development from an emotional perspective. Jonas Petter Bravè will describe […]
  • Mood Frames – picture poetry
    Experience and reflect upon the magic of Mother Nature in Mood Frames’ pictures. #bestfortheworld #moodframes #picturepoetry Format: Dialogue with guest(s) Host: Roland Gudinge Contact email: […]
  • Mood Frames – visual nature meditation
    Picture poetry that invites you to a visual nature meditation. #bestfortheworld #moodframes #picturepoetry #nature Format: Visual nature meditation Time: Friday 28th, 12:30 – 13:00 Host: […]
  • On art – earth & existential health
    European Cultural Parliament are faced with WHO’s 8 focus areas on existential health and explore the potential of arts in society sharing examples – a […]
  • On the Road
  • Opening Best for the World (BFW) Broadcasting
    Learn from the initiators the intention of co-creating the best for the world live broadcast, the format of the next four days, as well as […]
  • Pecha Kucha
  • Pecha Kucha Ängelholm
    Monica Fallesen och Elisabeth Reuterborg – Vår Pecha Kucha-resa.
  • Picture Poetry
  • Power of connection
    The Power of Connection – A structure for enhancing the quality of life and workThe Power of Connection methodology provides a clear and integrated model […]
  • Radio Intentional Decisions
    A lot of people are longing for being the best for the world. At the same time our society has forgotten the inner force every […]
  • Raw Yoga
    Fabulous energy-giving yoga class. With a lot of nice flows to make your body, and mind strong and in touch with your feelings. #bestfortheworld #rawyogasweden […]
  • Reflection and carrying on the torch of Best for the World
    Reflection and summary of the days of live broadcasting what is best for the world. Plus an invitation to carry on the torch of hope […]
  • Rethinking your purpose in life
    The aim is to give participants the time and space to take a step back and go deeper into their purpose, and perhaps to even […]
  • SDG Talks
    Exploration around application areas and international co-creation possibilities towards the Sustainable Development Goals. #bestfortheworld #likestodo #sustainability #cocreation #leadership #business #opportunities Format: Dialogue Host: Stellan Nordahl […]
  • Ship of a New Story
    A ship that sets sail for the unknown has always been driven by the belief that what one does succeed and a strong hope that […]
  • Soil and Food
    Soil is a vital component in the production of food. It provides the necessary nutrients for plants to grow and thrive, which in turn provides […]
  • Soil for Life
    A dialogue about soil and the importance of it for life on earth. Also a Chest nut tree is planted in the garden outside of […]
  • Super Powers
    Many people with disabilities possess incredible strengths and abilities that are often overlooked or undervalued. In fact, some people with disabilities might even be considered […]
  • Sustainable leadership in the 21st Century
    What does it take to create a leadership for the 21st Century and in particular in the time we are entering. We are starting out […]
  • SustainMe
    SustainME is a Podcast that gives you the ability to move towards sustainability without going extreme. We do this by giving you day to day […]
  • Sweden Help
    With a great willingness to help, the non-profit association Sweden Help provides as much support as it can to people from Ukraine, in Sweden and […]
  • Take/Make Place
    People with disabilities are an integral part of our society, and it is essential that we create a world that is inclusive and accessible for […]
  • Teams Aligned
    Magnus Fälth, coach Microsoft 365, educates us on Microsoft Teams.
  • The Doughnut economy and circularity in business models
    Janeth Andersson interviews Theresa Thomasson about circularity in business models. Inspired by the book ‘Doughnut Economy’ by Kate Raworth they present practical application methods in […]
  • The Ministry of Silly Workshops
    Inventing workshop while at the same time doing it. And lastly approving it ourselves as the Ministry Of Silly Workshops. ☢️⚠️☣️ Warning! This is only […]
  • The New Living and Learning Organizational Paradigm
    WHY: We have identified the need to both create new forms of organizations and the need to develop leaders who can handle complexity and a […]
  • The Soil Doctor
  • The Wave Project
    The Wave Project is a Non-Profit-Organisation founded in 2018 in Germany. We do projects in Indonesia and Pakistan. All the projects we are doing are […]
  • The Yellow Chairs of Thinge
    Yellow Chairs of THiNGE invite you to sit down and make reflections in a grounded way of being. Close to earth. #bestfortheworld #theyellowchairsofthinge #thingerustica #thingestratega […]
  • is a Center for Acceleration of Change. We are a non-profit knowledge platform, project and event space and a co-creative community for people who […]
  • Together Far Apart
    Under mandatory restrictions and self-measured safety precautions and with the ever-present fear of contracting the virus, Czech companies struggle to establish themselves without having the […]
  • Tree House Talks
    We explore the tree as a metaphore for life and organization. How can the tree help us to see what can´t be seen and live […]
  • Upgrade yourself – Spiritual Downloads of Love, Trust & Safety in Times of Upheaval
    #bestfortheworld #likestodo #healing #meditation #spirituality #downloads #Integratedhealing #transformation #love #trust #comfort Format: Livestreamed healing meditation Time: Sunday, 29th, 10:30 – 11:00 Host: Maria Collinder Contact […]
  • Values “Discover your Deep Guides”
    Let’s discover our inner values that drive our actions and are masked by our thoughts and emotions. We will enroll in a meditation, interactive exercises […]
  • Welcome Home
    Welcome Home to you <3. An exploring conversation about our inner and outer world and the challenges we might come across when staying true to […]
  • Womens Circle
  • Work Engagement
    We bring a systematic and holistic approach on health in the work environment. In the dialog; Erik Nilsson, Roland Gudinge and Stellan Nordahl
  • World Citizenship: Individual Responsibility for the Whole
    From the times of Marcus Aurelius, the concept of cosmopolitanism has served as a philosophical basis to investigate the relationship between the individual and the […]
  • World Parliament
  • Yoga Flow
    Anna Ingvald guides us through Yoga Flow.
  • You Matter
    Be the change you wanna see in the world A famous quote from the great Mahatma Gandhi that most of us have heard. However, most […]