Mind Soul


SustainME is a Podcast that gives you the ability to move towards sustainability without going extreme. We do this by giving you day to day tools, self-development ideas and sharing inspiring stories that show that its normal to fail, but its the success we should focus on. For we believe that in the end its the small successes in the daily life that make an impact. Ready to make an impact?

#bestfortheworld #likestodo #sustainablechange #Consciousness #awareness #Values #Beliefs #choice #selfgrowth #personaldevelopment #fromwithin #leadership #sustainableleadership

Format: Podcast

Hosts: Paolo Nardi and guests

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Follow us on Instagram @sustainme_podcast
Connect with us via Linkedin @company/sustainmepodcast
Join us on Facebook @SustainMEPodcast

The SustainMe Podcast can be listened to on Google Podcasts, Soundcloud and Spotify. Here is a listening example for the episode on food and how it affects our mental and spiritual being as well as the value of social businesses to society with Fredrik Björk, professor at Malmö University.

A Dialogue with the SustainMe team about looking at the COVID-19 situation from a sustainability perspective

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