Creating the Future
The future is not something we should be equipped to meet –The future is something we create!
Invitation to co-create the future together
We invite you to make use of this opportunity and engage in social exchange and meaningful conversations with others.
If you want to broadcast, pls describe your concept and book a time slot in this document:
The sheet namned ‘Program tableu YYYY’ is where you schedule your spot and the sheet namned ‘Program concepts YYYY’ is where your describe your concept, host(s), guest(s), contact etc.
During the live broadcasting you can participate in the following ways:
- Personal reflection – Listening and watching the broadcast and reflecting on what sticks out for you and why.
- Emotional closeness – In times of great change, share the content with people you think would benefit from the inspiration and torch of hope.
- Call in to some of the concepts – Send an email to, reach out on social media or the announced contact ways in the specific concepts, to ask your questions.
- Live guest in one or more of the concepts – We connect you with the hosts, email. Just reach out to us. Contact us at
- Broadcast your own concept live – We have spots in the schedule for the spontaneous ones. Shot as a mail at and we will send you the information we need and the setup requirements.
- Support the set-up and running of the broadcasting – The different roles for needed Infrastructure are described below.
- Provide your own perspective – Engage with the shared perspectives and formulate your own opinion. When sharing content use the hashtag #bestfortheworld. Relations are described as well below.
You can also donate to our program through Patreon with the following link:
Patreon –
Swish (for Sweden) – 1232373199 (Nykraft)

How to co-create
We have created an overall structure that makes it easy to connect your existing concepts or spontaneously created content to a larger context that is intentionally best for the world – Therefore, we have created three Main Structures (Infrastructure, Program concepts, and Relations). These structures and roles need to be filled with life.
The Infrastructure structure invites your contribution in filling working shifts to enable the technological setup and running of the broadcasting program. There are two roles. Chief of production – This role requires one person, who is responsible for the broadcasting platform and channels, and transition between concepts. Masters of moral support – requires up to 2 people, who ensure things run smoothly behind the scenes, which includes studio setup for next concepts, making coffee, preparing food and beds for guests in the Studio. A time plan with potential shifts is found in this Excel sheet ( under ‘Main Structures’.
Program concepts
The Program concepts structure invites your contribution in providing a description of the concept that you would like to host during the broadcasting. The description requires:
- Concept name
- Name of host/s
- Short intro text
- Set-up format (if you want to broadcast from our studio, see below for set-up options)
- Hashtags
- Preferred times for broadcasting
- Contact email
- Webpage
- Facebook page (or other social media profiles)
- Link to cloud-based material, for example, videos, pictures, jingles, etc
Please enter your description in this Excel sheet ( under ‘Program Concepts’. Programs are broadcasted live and recorded for eventual rerun later. In specific cases, it can be pre-recorded. All hosts need to fill in this excel sheet asap 🙂 If you need any help in both doing this and also in creating the material – reach out to
Through the Relations structure we would like to gain a metaperspective of what is going on and how the program is received during the broadcasting. If you feel inspired by a program and want to write a reflection or provide another perspective, we encourage you to engage with the content in real-time. Share your reflections and provide a link to your created content, so that we can share it through our social media channels. You can do that in this Excel sheet ( under ‘Main Structures’.
The communication between the initiators, Chief of production and hosts of the concepts happens through Slack. You can join our Slack channel by clicking this link: Then search for and join the appropriate channel (#cons_bfw_infrastructure, #cons_bfw_program-tableau, or #cons_bfw_relations) and for all people engaged the main channel (#comp_bfw).
In the studio we have three set-ups:
- Talk Show set-up with sofa. Suitable for 1-3 guests and 1-2 host/co-hosts
- Dialog set-up with a table and chairs. Suitable for 1-2 guests and 1-2 hosts/co-hosts,
- Free set-up. Could be concept specific furniture and background. Also outdoors is possible. Suitable for monologues and minor conversations with 1 guest and 1 host.
Guests can join physically, digitally and by telephone.
Furthermore a concept can be conducted digitally in zoom – and broadcasted to Youtube via the studio computer. Pre-recorded material can also be broadcasted.
You fill in the information in (when scheduling your spot/-s in the sheet ‘Program Tableu 2022’, choose ‘media type’ frpm the list)
Invitation to Carry the Torch
We are broadcasting the last weekend in March. We invite you, your team and your organisation to carry the torch from April and forward. Pls contact us at and we will help you to plan, host and engage.